What’s New on iChinLyrics
LATEST UPDATE: March 9th, 2024 (v3.0.1)
1. Updates new features.
2. You can now copy lyrics from our posts for free.
3. You can now use our platform without any AdBlock detection.
4. Updates ‘About iChinLyrics’.
5. Updates additional FAQ’s to help you better understand any concerns you may have.
6. Updates the iChinLyrics Premium Levels.
7. Bug fixes.
LATEST UPDATE: February 16th, 2024 (v2.4.8)
1. We updated the sort of template.
2. We’ve added the application for free membership.
3. Bug fixes.
LATEST UPDATE: December 1st, 2023 (v2.4.4)
1. We updated the sort of template.
2. We are adding details regarding eligibility for free in the 2024 membership.
3. Bug fixed.
LATEST UPDATE: October 14th, 2023 (v2.3.1)
1.We updated the advertisement on the platform.
2.We are providing a more detailed announcement about the 2024 Membership.
LATEST UPDATE: September 16th, 2023 (v2.0.1)
1. We have updated the iChinLyrics members’ lists, activities, and groups links in the navigation menu.
2. We have implemented an iChinLyrics Message sidebar to facilitate communication with your friends. For more information about iChinLyrics Message, please refer to this link.
3. We have included the Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, and Terms and Conditions.
4. An online shop has been integrated into the iChinLyrics platform.
5. iChinLyrics Premium is now officially available for subscription.
6. We have addressed various bugs and enhanced several features.
7. We have also included the agreement we made in our ‘About’ page.
LATEST UPDATE: August 15th, 2023 (v1.1.1)
- 1. The iChinLyrics site is now open and has been updated.
- 2. The theme has been updated to a new design.
- 3. The new theme mode is dark version.
- 4. We have updated the subscription features to include both basic and premium options.
- ✓ Access to music videos.
- • Over 1k MV are available for streaming.
- ✓ Access to lyrics.
- • Over 1.5k lyrics are available.
- ✗ No ad interruptions in MV.
- ✗ Advertisement submission.
- • Promo video/image.
- • Google IMA/Ads.
- • VAST.
- ✗ Unlimited skips.
- ✓ Access to music videos.
- • Over 1k MV are available to play.
- ✓ Access to lyrics.
- • Over 1.5k lyrics are available.
- ✓ No ad interruptions in MV.
- ✓ Advertisement submission.
- • Promo video/image.
- • Google IMA/Ads.
- • VAST.
- ✓ Unlimited skips.
- You can create your own account on this platform. The available features included are:
- Watch later
- Submit lyrics
- Comments
- Subscribes
- Notifications
- Report videos/lyrics
- Like/Unlike votes
- Rate the post